Welcome to Inching Towards Awesome, the podcast and blog for people looking to engineer a great life one tiny step at a time.


Less than two weeks until the ITA Facebook Book Club October 22nd!

[ssba-buttons] Join us this month when we’ll talk about Claire Dederer’s new memoir Love and Trouble: A Midlife Reckoning, which deals with her shifting identity from a reckless Seattle teen, and feelings of impatience, lust, and guilt after age 40. It’s an interesting snapshot of one women’s midlife crisis and I expect readers will have“Less than two weeks until the ITA Facebook Book Club October 22nd!”

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How to Get the Fun Back

[ssba-buttons] Fun is soooo easy to find when you’re a kid. But as your teens roll into your 20s and  30s, and career, family and bills take up so much of your headspace, it’s easy to lose track of the little things that used to bring the fun. I’m no longer the freewheeling, up-for-anything kind“How to Get the Fun Back”

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Less than two weeks until the ITA Facebook Book Club October 22nd!

[ssba-buttons] This month we’ll chat online about Claire Dederer’s new memoir Love and Trouble: A Midlife Reckoning, which deals with her shifting identity from a reckless Seattle teen, and feelings of impatience, lust, and guilt after age 40. It’s an interesting snapshot of one women’s midlife crisis and I expect readers will have LOTS of opinions“Less than two weeks until the ITA Facebook Book Club October 22nd!”

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Your Sitting is Aging You

[ssba-buttons] Yes, you know it’s slowly killing you. But sometimes it’s vanity that gets you to do the right thing for your overall health, hence the “aging” headline. (We knew that would get you clicking.) And with good reason. Americans are the Olympians of sitting, perfecting our craft much of our days and well into“Your Sitting is Aging You”

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Morning Rituals to Help You Ace Your Day

Unless you are among the 10% of the population who are naturally morning people, you’re like most of us in that you could use a little boost to kickstart your day. Our podcast explores several morning rituals, from dressing up for success to calming down with meditation and visualization. Among our favorites: making the bed“Morning Rituals to Help You Ace Your Day”

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Can the Japanese Concept of Kaizen Help Us Break Our Bad Habits?

[ssba-buttons] I recently became fascinated with the idea of Kaizen, a Japanese term I heard months ago on The Foodist podcast. Was this another life-changing Marie Kondo-esque technique I could use to break some bad habits? I had to learn more. Turns out, it was just a simple concept used in everything from factories to“Can the Japanese Concept of Kaizen Help Us Break Our Bad Habits?”

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Go Small or Go Home

[ssba-buttons] Welcome to Inching Towards Awesome, the blog for people looking to engineer a great life one tiny step at a time. I’m your host Melinda, and this is our mascot and spirit animal Sparkle Tortoise. You’d probably never guess that tortoises are one of the most naturally badass creatures on the planet. I didn’t“Go Small or Go Home”

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